New Eastern Villages (NEV) is the largest regeneration development in the UK, comprising 8,000 new homes, new district centre, 40ha of employment and associated health, retail, education and leisure facilities.
To facilitate the development and planning application, the nearby roads and junctions were required to be upgraded to enable the extra traffic this development will generate. As a result, a number of road improvement schemes have been completed, and some are in progress. These projects will see over £80m invested into Swindon’s roads funded by a mixture of Dft, LEP and Homes England HIF.
Restrictions with some of the funding means that several of the schemes took place at the same time. Other challenges faced and still being addressed, include design issues, utilities, and prolongation claims.
We are appointed as commercial support to Swindon Borough Council’s NEV delivery team for all forward funded infrastructure schemes associated with the development.