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Sector overview

Delivering an industrial revolution.

Dwaine Bushell

Industrial Lead

Whether it’s a new-build shed on a greenfield site or a sophisticated addition within an existing operational facility, the multifaceted challenges of industrial development can be nuanced and complex. From simple steel-framed warehouses to high-tech data centres and large-scale industry-specific manufacturing units, our experience and expertise are as diverse as this sector’s end users.

From managing the adequacy and availability of utilities, the integration of bespoke plant, decanting around existing live operational areas, multi-phased programmes, or the accommodation of advanced renewable technologies, our service deliverables and pro-active advice will provide the assurance that both clients and funders expect as a given.

Viability remains key, particularly in the regions where rental levels determine that construction costs must remain efficient.

Our Cost and Project Management teams are well-versed in value-engineering and value-management techniques to maintain viability targets, whilst ensuring that the best quality sustainable building is delivered.

Where grant funding is available to help bridge the gap between costs and end values, our teams have extensive experience in supporting applications and monitoring the programme costs which are often a mandatory condition of the grant. With experience that includes supporting clients through retrospective grant audit procedures, we provide the surety of compliance ensuring effective project close-out.

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Our team have been working with an award-winning leading developer of advanced optoelectronic technology solutions.

Advanced manufacturing, engineering and low-carbon business facilities.

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